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Troop 502 was established in 1940, and today is sponsored by La Canada Presbyterian Church, located at 626 Foothill Blvd., La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011.  Our Troop and Patrol Meetings are held at LCPC.  Troop 502 is a member of the Rose Bowl District in the Greater Los Angeles Area Council.

Troop Philosophy

We are a scout led troop that adheres to the motto, "Never do anything for a scout that he can do for himself." We follow the patrol method as conceived by Lord Baden-Powell over 100 years ago.


For over 75 years this troop has been blessed with willing and able adult leadership, supportive parents, and enthusiastic youth. With deep roots in the La Canada community, Troop 502 provides meaningful activities that are worthy of its history, traditions, and Troop Spirit.















Troop 502 scouts are active participants in monthly camping, hiking, backpacking, and aquatic outings.  The troop promotes two summer week-long camps annually at Boy Scout camps as well as a trip to a BSA High Adventure Base (such as Philmont) every other year.  We also have additional activities throughout the year such as river rafting and fishing overnight events.  In addition to overnight outings, the scouts can earn merit badges and participate in service projects within the community.  Merit badges are earned through troop-sponsored events, at patrol meetings, and through other events.  Our scouts are regularly called upon to perform flag ceremonies for community events, such as the annual Memorial Day ceremony at La Canada's Memorial Park.

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Troop 502 scouts at Philmont (2015)

Troop Meetings

Troop meetings are usually held on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Monday evenings of each month at LCPC, from 7:00-8:15 pm, and are held generally between August through June. Troop meetings follow the LCUSD school calendar, with no meetings scheduled during school breaks. Specific Troop meeting dates for the entire year are posted on the Troop Calendar.


The meetings, which are led by the Senior Patrol Leader, include reports on recent activities, announcements, and skill development.  At these meetings the scouts practice their scout skills under the direction of their Patrol Leaders and senior scouts. During regular troop meetings, scouts have the opportunity for Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review, when they are ready for rank advancement.

Patrol Meetings

Each scout in the troop is assigned to be a member of a Patrol.  Patrol meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at LCPC, which are led by the Patrol Leaders, and during Patrol Meetings the scouts work on advancement, skills, merit badges, fellowship activities, and may include planning for an outing or service project.  These meetings are generally from 7:00-7:45 pm.

What is a Patrol?

Our patrols are the building blocks of our troop.  Each patrol is a small group of boys who are similar in age, development, and interests. Working together as a team, patrol members share the responsibility for the patrol's success.  Patrol members select their patrol name and flag.  They gain confidence by serving in positions of patrol leadership. All patrol members enjoy the friendship, sense of belonging, and achievements of the patrol and of each of its members.

Introduction to Backpacking trip (2016)


Membership in Troop 502 is open to any boy who is 11 years-old or who has completed the fifth grade, or is at least 10 years old and has earned the Cub Scout Arrow of Light Award, but is not yet 18 years-old.  Previous membership in the Cub Scouts is not required if at least 11 years old.


The troop presently consists of over 100+ scouts ranging from the fifth grade up to senior year in high school. The scouts who make up the troop come from different schools and represent many different nationalities and religious faiths and backgrounds. 

Advancement and Leadership Opportunities

Our membership includes scouts of every age and every rank from Scout through Eagle. The troop offers all members the opportunity to become an Eagle Scout.  As a scout-led troop, there are many leadership positions available to scouts in their patrol and in the troop as they advance through the ranks.


We understand that scouts will have other opportunities, activities and events, particularly in their high school years. Every scout is encouraged to advance in their ranks at the pace that is appropriate for their individual situation.

The Scouting Experience
at Troop 502

The troop envisions eight elements of Troop Spirit that work together as links of a chain:

  • Attendance at meetings and supporting activities

  • Advancement in rank

  • Teamwork

  • Adventure on campouts and hikes

  • Service through Good Turns

  • Parental support and encouragement

  • Recognition

  • Leadership














If you and your son are willing to accept the challenge of active participation in the scouting experience, we extend an invitation to become involved, to participate, and to share with us the trials and tribulation of a growing lad and to enjoy our adventure. It will be a high point in your lives and an unforgettable adventure for both you and your son.



Troop 502 at Philmont (2013)

© 2016. Troop 502 La Canada Flintridge, CA

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