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Pictures of our scouts from the parade and the flag ceremony service. Click "Read More" below to view photos.

Photo: Stephen Kalb

Photo: Mittry Mor

Photo: Genna Kern

Final shift at the snow cone booth.  Photo: Cindy Sercel

Photo from Will Ferguson

Photo from Will Ferguson

Photo from Will Ferguson

Photos provided by (from top to bottom): Stephen Kalb, Mittry Mor, Genna Kern, Genna Kern, Cindy Sercel, Will Ferguson, Will Ferguson, Will Ferguson.

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We are beginning an opportunity to work on the Personal Management Merit Badge as part of a group over the Summer. This is a good badge for Scouts that are Tenderfoot and above.

Kick Off Night

Date: 06/05/2017 (Mon.)

Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm PDT

Location: LCPC Family Life Center

As with our set-up for the for Family Life MB, we will have the following set-up:

  • We will have a summer group of 25 Scouts

  • Since this is an Eagle Required MB, we will prioritize our High School-age, Senior Scouts that want to sign-up, for the summer group.

  • Then, we will plan to convene another group for our younger Scouts in the late Summer/early Fall when school starts up again and once the first group is finished

  • There is a “waiting list” section on the sign-ups so we can capture all Scouts that are interested. If all slots above are filled, please add your name here. We will review all sign-ups and move people around, as needed. We may still be oversubscribed, but we’ll do our best to accommodate the priorities above.

As before, the kick-off will be about the “process” of earning the Merit Badge and some initial materials. Some check-ins and a more individual final meeting will cover the discussion topics when the work has been completed. However, almost all of the work on this Merit Badge, some of which requires a 3 month plan, will be done outside of the group and individual meetings. In other words, the meetings will be more about how to organize yourself, and some progress checks, rather than completing requirements.


Mr. Ferguson

Scoutmaster, Troop 502

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At our troop meeting tonight, our scouts learned to safely slice and prepare apples and turn them into a delicious camp dessert.  

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© 2016. Troop 502 La Canada Flintridge, CA

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